We are committed to provide equal opportunities in employment. This means that all job applicants and employees will receive equal treatment regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, age, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religious beliefs or disability.
Key diversity statistics
During March 2021 we carried out a diversity survey about the profile of our workforce and a summary of the results is given below:
Gender: Male 25%: Female 75%
Age: 25-34 – 50% : 55-64 – 50%
Disabilities: 0%
Ethnic group: British white – 100%
Faith: Christian – 50% : No religion – 50%
Degree level qualification: 75%
Please note that exemption has been taken from publishing the full results of the diversity survey undertaken as the small data set means individual staff members may be identifiable.
We are a very small firm and therefore it must be understood that the results of our diversity survey are limited.